Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A visit to Mantin Home on 31 August 2014

This is a touching story that must be told. We still have nice and kind people in this world that make things happen!. Mr and Mrs Yuen Swee Yoong, from Kuala Lumpur, lease their 3 acre farm land at Mantin, Seremban, to a church at $1 per year for 15 years to allow the church to run the Kenosis Home for the Drug Rehabilitation of Men. 

Pastor Richard Lee accepted the offer 3 years ago and so coincidentally (and miraculously), during that period, the group of 30 odd drug addicts who were with him for rehabilitation was made up of former contractors, plumbers, electricians, painters etc. It was a joy indeed. 

The Centre is so well built that it now has a kitchen, a dining area, a dormitory, a worship hall, toilet facilities and an office for the 30 odd addicts who will spend roughly 2 years for their rehabilitation. Cheers to Swee Yoong and his beloved and capable wife Toi Leng for their magnanimity, generosity and kindness......very rare qualities in this fast-paced world.

Pastor Elvie (from left), Pastor Richard, Dr Ang and Mr Yuen.

At the make-shift gymnasium and table tennis area.

The community hall where worship is held. Behind the wall is the dormitory.

The kind philanthropists: Swee Yoong and wife Toi Leng

Dr Ang with Pastor Richard in front of the "cold turkey" room.

Personal time: Playing chess in the hall.

Pastor Richard explaining the set up of the Centre.

Singing hymns is their main method of worshiping aside from sermons.

Big and spacious halls for the in-mates to relax and interact.

More singing. Pastor Richard joining in.

Pastor Richard having a light moment with the Yuens.

At the kitchen, Toi Leng taking a peep at what the cooks are preparing for dinner.

Time to leave the Centre.